Source code for

"""Classes associated with physical space where entities live and interact."""

import random as rnd

import numpy as np

[docs]def wrap(n, maxValue): """Auxiliary function to wrap an integer on maxValue. Examples: >>> # For positives: wrap(n, maxValue) = n % maxValue >>> [ wrap(i,3) for i in range(9) ] [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2] >>> # For negatives, the pattern is continued in a natural way >>> for i in range(-5, 5+1): print(f'{i} : {wrap(i, 3)}') ... -3 : 0 -2 : 1 -1 : 2 0 : 0 1 : 1 2 : 2 """ if n >= maxValue: n %= maxValue elif n < 0: # We must offset the integer to the positives n += abs(n//maxValue)*maxValue return n
# ---
[docs]def toroidal_wrap(grid, coord): """Return the coordinates wrapped on the grid dimensions.""" return tuple(wrap(x, dim_size) for x,dim_size in zip(coord, grid.shape) )
# ---
[docs]class Site: """ A unit of space. Cells inhabitate in these spaces and interact with their neighborhood. Is aware of: + World: The world it forms a part of. + Coordinates <i,j>: Coordinates in the matrix. + Guests: <List>: The guests currently inhabiting this site. """ def __init__(self, world, coordinates): """Assemble a site in which agents may inhabit. :param world: The world which this forms a part of. :param coordinates: The coordinates in the world. """ = world self._coordinates = coordinates # Set variable only once self.guests = set() # --- @property def coordinates(self): """Getter for the site's coordinates.""" return self._coordinates # ---
[docs] def add_guest(self, guest): """Add the given cell as a new guest to this site.""" self.guests.add(guest) = self
# ---
[docs] def remove_guest(self, guest): """Remove the given cell as guest for this site. If the cell is not currently in this site, an error is throwed. """ try: self.guests.remove(guest) except KeyError: raise KeyError('Guest with index {} is not at site ({})' .format(guest.index, self.coordinates))
# ---
[docs] def guest_count(self): """Return the number of guests residing in this site.""" return len(self.guests)
# ---
[docs] def random_neighbor(self): """Return a random site in the neighborhood of the current site.""" # Select a neighbor return
# --- # --- Site # < -----
[docs]class World: """ The space in which cells inhabit. It represents physical space and enforces rules and properties like distance and closeness. A world is aware of: - Grid: The sites the action develops in. - Neighborhood: How many and which sites may directly influence or be influenced by another. """ def __init__(self, shape=(10, 10), wrap=toroidal_wrap): """Initialize the world. :param shape: Shape of the grid, a tuple of integers. :param wrap: Callable. How does the grid treats out-of-range coordinates? """ self.shape = shape self.wrap_function = wrap # Toroidal wrapping behavior of the grid # Initialize grid self.grid = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.object) for coord in np.ndindex(shape): self.grid[coord] = Site(self, coord) # Initialize neighborhood self.neighborhood = [ (-1,-1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ( 0,-1), ( 0, 0), ( 0, 1), ( 1,-1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1) ] # --- @property def middle(self): """Get the site at the middle of the world.""" shape = self.shape return tuple(x//2 for x in shape) ) # ---
[docs] def at(self, coordinates): """Get the site at the specified coordinates.""" # Wrap (toroidal coordinates) if self.wrap_function: coordinates = self.wrap_function(self, coordinates) return self.grid[coordinates]
# ---
[docs] def random_neighbor_of(self, site): """Return the relative coordinates of the available neighbors. Returns a container holding pairs of numbers. the prescence of an item (a,b) means that a site at i,j has a neighbor at (i+a, j+b). """ # Get the site coordinates coords = site.coordinates # Select a neighbor n_coords = rnd.choice(self.neighborhood) # Fetch the neighbor neighbor = tuple(x + nx for x,nx in zip(coords, n_coords)) return
# --- # --- World