Source code for cellsystem.simulation.system


System-related classes.

This module defines a general system that can be used as
the base of a computation graph.

A system is composed of entities and interactions btw them,
it coordinates all processes.

This has a bigger functionality than it is needed, it would be useful to make a cleanup.


import collections

[docs]class Entity: '''An entity is something that resides in the system. It processes information according to it's internal state and the information flowing through the links it shares with other entities. An entity registers the following methods: - process(time) ''' def __init__(self): self.state = None
[docs] def process(self, time, log=None): pass
# --- Entity
[docs]class Interaction: 'A structure representing flow of information btw entities.' def __init__(self, entities, effect): self.entities = entities self.effects = [effect]
[docs] def append(self, effect): 'Effects btw the same entities can be appended and executed in order' self.effects.append(effect)
[docs] def process(self): 'Executes the interaction.' for effect in self.effects: effect(*self.entities)
# --- Interaction 'Representing an isolated process.' Process = collections.namedtuple('Process', ['entities', 'effects']) # --- Process
[docs]class System: """ The global system and event dispatcher. Aware of the passage of time (steps). A system is composed of entities and interactions between them, at each time step, the system triggers the proceses associated with them. A log can be attached to the system to keep record of the actions and processes of the entities. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 'Initialize an empty system.' self.entities = set() self.procesable = set() self.toentity = {} self.toentityname = {} self.interactions = {} self.time = None self.log = None self.inithooks = {} self.prehooks = {} self.hooks = {} # --- def __getitem__(self, entityname): 'Access the entities by name.' return self.toentity[entityname] # ---
[docs] def register_log(self, log): "Add a log that will be triggered by some action of the entities." self.log = log
# ---
[docs] def add_entity(self, entity, name, procesable=True, inithook=None): """Add an entity to the graph. If procesable, the entity.process(time) method is called on each time step. Inithooks are callables called at initialization. """ self.entities.add(entity) if procesable: self.procesable.add(entity) self.toentity[name] = entity self.toentityname[entity] = name # Process hooks if inithook: self.add_interaction_to(self.inithooks, inithook, [name])
# ---
[docs] def process_interactions_in(self, interactions): 'From the dict-like container of interactions, process items.' for interaction in interactions.values(): interaction.process()
# ---
[docs] def step(self, log=None): 'Take a single step forward in time.' if log is None: log=self.log # Process pre-step hooks self.process_interactions_in(self.prehooks) # Process linked items self.process_interactions_in(self.interactions) # Process each entity for entity in self.procesable: entity.process(time=self.time, log=log) # Process post-step hooks self.process_interactions_in(self.hooks) self.time += 1
# ---
[docs] def start(self): 'Initialize things before starting simulation.' # Init time if self.time is None: self.time = 0 # Make the initialization actions self.process_interactions_in(self.inithooks)
# ---
[docs] def update_hooks(self, hooktype, newhooks): 'Add the given hooks to the system.' if newhooks: for hook in newhooks: self.add_interaction_to(hooktype, hook.effects, hook.entities)
# ---
[docs] def run(self, steps, init=None, after_step=None, before_step=None, log=None): 'Start running the simulation.' # Handle hooks self.update_hooks(self.inithooks, init) self.update_hooks(self.hooks, after_step) self.update_hooks(self.prehooks, before_step) # Make sure things are initialized self.start() # Take steps for _ in range(steps): self.step(log=log)
# ---
[docs] def stateof(self, entityname): "Ask the entity for it's state" return self[entityname].state
# --- # ---
[docs] def add_interaction_to(self, container, effect, entitynames): 'Add an interaction btw named entities to a dict-like container.' entities = tuple(self.toentity[ename] for ename in entitynames) # Check if there is already some link btw # those same entities. if entities in container: # Add the new effect container[entities].append(effect) else: # Else, add the new link interaction = Interaction(entities, effect) container[entities] = interaction
# --- # --- System